Congress House

contact, team
and arrival


We work for the success of your event:

Siegfried Lemerer
Managing Director
+43 (6132) 23420 110
Write e-mail

Annabella Leu
Management assistant / gastronomy
+43 (06132) 23420 100
Write e-mail

Christian Binder
Event technology
+43 (0699) 1070 8779
Write e-mail

Christopher Engleitner
+43 (0664) 4644 876 
Write e-mail

Joseph Krenslehner
restaurant manager
+43 (06132) 23420 160
Write e-mail

Joshua Scheuchl
deputy restaurant manager
+43 (06132) 23420 160
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Anna Stadlmann
cleaning, cloakroom

Bernhard "Stucka" Stueckelschwaiger
caretaker & hall attendant

Contact us

To take you contact us. We look forward to your call:

For general questions ++ 43 (6132) 23420

For table reservations ++ 43 (6132) 23420-160

For tickets for the Lehár Festival ++ 43 (6132) 23839


Please note our privacy policy.

Real estate Bad Ischl GmbH.
Congress & TheaterHaus Bad Ischl
Kurhausstrasse 8
A-4820 Bad Ischl

Tel. + 43 (6132) 23420 
Fax. +43 (6132) 23420 150

How to reach it

This is how you come to us.

Arrival by car

... from the direction of Vienna - Linz:
A1 - exit Regau - B 145 (35 km from A1 to Bad Ischl
Distance Vienna - Bad Ischl: 280 km
Distance Linz - Bad Ischl: 100 km

... from Munich - Salzburg:
A1 - Thalgau exit - B 158 (37 km from A1 to Bad Ischl)
Distance Munich - Bad Ischl: 200 km
Distance Salzburg - Bad Ischl: 60 km

... from Innsbruck:
A12 - A93 - A8 - A1 - Thalgau exit - B 158 (37 km from A1 to Bad Ischl)
Distance Innsbruck - Bad Ischl: 246 km

... from the direction of Graz:
A9 - Selzthal exit - B 320 / B 145 via Pötschenpass (70 km from A9 to Bad Ischl)
Distance Graz - Bad Ischl: 190 km

... from the direction of Klagenfurt:
A2 / A10 - exit Eben im Pongau - B 166 over Pass Gschütt (64 km from A10 to Bad Ischl)
Distance Klagenfurt - Bad Ischl: 220 km

Arrival by TRAIN

... from Vienna (airport or city center) - Linz / Munich - Innsbruck - Salzburg:
to Attnang-Puchheim, then change to the Salzkammergutbahn to Bad Ischl
Travel time Vienna - Bad Ischl: 3 hours 06 min.
Travel time Linz - Bad Ischl: 1 hour 30 minutes.
Travel time Munich - Bad Ischl: 3 hours 23 minutes.
Travel time Innsbruck - Bad Ischl: 3 hours 41 minutes.

... from Graz:
to Stainach-Irdning, then change to the Salzkammergutbahn to Bad Ischl
Travel time Graz - Bad Ischl: 3 hours 16 minutes.

... from Klagenfurt:
Train to Salzburg, from there by Postbus to Bad Ischl or train to St. Michael, change to Stainach-Irdning, in Stainach-Irdning change to the Salzkammergutbahn to Bad Ischl
Travel time Klagenfurt - Bad Ischl: 4 hours 46 minutes.

Getting there ..

... with the Postbus from Salzburg:
Travel time Salzburg - Bad Ischl: 1 hour 30 minutes.

... from Salzburg Airport:
60km to Bad Ischl

In Bad Ischl:
Please follow the well-signposted parking guidance system to the Kongresshaus car park (fenced off). Please take your ticket when you drive in. There are around 150 parking spaces available directly at the Kongress & TheaterHaus.

Traffic links



Post bus